It’s officially my first review of the year and I’m here to say I already broke one of my bookish resolutions- well, sorta broke it. I promised to read light this year but somehow picked up The Madhouse which is the exact opposite of "light". It’s a difficult book to review, not because it’s not good, but because there’s a lot to talk about. I’ll try to keep this as concise as possible. Synopsis of The Madhouse “A house brings two ... Read the Post...
Anticipated January 2022 Releases
Happy new year! I’m currently typing this at work. Yes, I’m working on the first day of the year. Thankfully, work is very light and I’ve had time to work on this post and also catch up on everyone’s Instagram posts. I'm back with my anticipated January 2022 releases as promised. In the order in which they are released... These are my anticipated January 2022 releases! So, essentially means we have more books to add ... Read the Post...
2021 in books!
Hey friends! It’s the last day of the year and I’m so grateful to be here, writing, creating and putting stuff out there! I had such an interesting year. I was unhappy about 40% of the time, and for me, that's a good year! As expected, 2021 was filled with ups and downs, but I'm here, so that's all that matters! Reading gave me comfort on days/nights when everything seemed so bleak. I know this post is supposed to be about 2021 in books, but can ... Read the Post...
5 Books I Read in December
Hey friends! I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I officially started this blog. I’m so proud of myself for being so consistent even when life was dealing with me. Someone commended me on Instagram and it actually made me realize how much work I’ve put into this blog this year. If you’re reading this, I’m thankful for you. Anyway, I was able to read 5 books in December even with the festivities and activities going on. 5 books I read ... Read the Post...