I remember seeing Aftershocks by Nadia Owusu in a bookstore and walking past it. I glanced initially, took note of the cover when I entered as it was on a shelf just on the right side of the entrance. Later that evening, I got home and saw an IGstory posted by Sbcbookclub where she visited the exact same bookstore and got this book. I was shocked at the coincidence and waited to see her thoughts on the book but before then, I went on Goodreads to ... Read the Post...
5 unputdownable psychological thrillers to read!
Most readers already know the book genres they like and it’s usually very comfortable sticking with what you like. In fact, that is one of my tips when trying to get out of a reading slump - read a book from your preferred genre. However, I also think it’s good to explore more genres and you just might be surprised by how much you enjoy them. Thrillers have a way of raising your heart rate and blood pressure but when you read a good thriller, ... Read the Post...
4 books I read in April
April came with a lot of uncertainties but the one certain thing was the realization that I might end up wasting my money if I don’t step up the pace of studying for my upcoming exam. I knew the time would come when I'd have to take a break from leisure reading and I won’t lie, it sucks but I started easing my way into it last month. In this post, I'll be sharing the 4 books I read in April. I read mostly ebooks which were ARCs (Advanced ... Read the Post...
Anticipated May 2021 Releases
Hey friends! How did your month go? It's pretty late right now and I'm typing this from my work station at home, wondering if anyone looks forward to these lists as much as I look forward to making them. LOL. Before we get into this, I'd like you to just prepare yourself for these gorgeous covers. Whew! I absolutely love how bright and colourful they all are. I want all of them on my shelf! Anyway, let's focus on my anticipated May 2021 ... Read the Post...