I slowly converted my personal page into a Bookstagram page in 2018. Although, I was not consistent until late 2019. I started taking it a little more seriously in 2020. I absolutely love the book space on there and thought to share 10 amazing Bookstagrammers to check out.
For those that have no idea who a Bookstagrammer is, welcome. Bookstagrammers are basically book lovers who create Instagram accounts just for books. They love books ( either to read or to collect) and take amazing photos of them.
In no particular order
1. Bookcooklook.
My friend sent me her page actually and I spent nothing less than 30minutes on it. I was intrigued by the dedication and creativity. If you like beautifully displayed food and books, this is the page to check out.
2. Vanessareadsfiction.
I absolutely love her page and her theme. It is very simple yet stunning.
3. Ohemareads
Oh how I love her page and posts. I like that she passionately describes the books she reads. It shines through and she is also friendly! It helps to be in a community with people who are so nice and open to conversations.
4. Lipglossmaffia
The OG Nigerian bookstagrammer! I actually discovered her page about 2 years ago and then met her shortly after. She’s very welcoming and I like that she does not curate her page and I can always trust her reviews. (Weird because I love a properly curated page). Oh and you will surely find some great recommendations there.
5. The.eworm
I recently discovered her page and she’s a fairly new Nigerian bookstagrammer but I think she’s off to a great start. I love her photos and feed. It screams comfort and home!
6. Tipsybookreviews
To be honest, her name was how I found her page. LOL I adore her feed and I think she has mastered the skill of taking amazing photos without ridiculous amounts of props. She also posts a wide range of books.
7. Pretty_x_bookish
Her feed is bright and sunny. I remember following her shortly after she started her page and I am so glad to see how consistent she has been. She posts great content and shares insightful reviews. I particularly love watching her instagram story. She is one of my favorite South African bookstagrammers.
8. Thatothernigeriangirl
She actually started the #Nigerianbookstagrammer tag and that should tell you all you need to know to be honest. She writes stunning reviews and is so down to earth.
9. Ujuonyishi
I recently followed her page and I remember being intrigued by the fact that she’s 21 years old and is already doing her PhD. I slid into her DMs out of curiosity and since then, I’ve been following her content. I like that she does not only post about recently released books and her reviews are always thoughtful, honest and beautifully written.
10. Gisellereads
I love her page! So warm and beautiful! Her feed is what I hope my feed will look like at some point in the future! Haha
There are so many other amazing bookstagrammers I adore but I cannot possibly fit them all in here. Bookstagram is a great space if you follow the right people. Not only has it helped me discover new books, it has also given me an opportunity to meet people I probably would never have met.
If you’re looking to start a book page (or you just like the aesthetics- there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that) and need some inspiration, you should start with these pages!
Thank you for reading as usual! Please feel free to share some of your favorite bookstagrammers in the comment section below! I’d love to follow new people! Oh and follow me on instagram too and read more on the blog here.

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